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04 - July 22, 2008

The City of Auburn
Historic Resources Review Board
c/o Office of Planning and Economic Development
Memorial City Hall   -  24 South Street
Auburn, New York  13021
(315) 255-4115    Fax 253-0282

Meeting Minutes
July 22, 2008

Present: Betty Lewis, Mike Deming, Paul McDonald, David Thurston, Judith Bryant, Jim Hutchinson. Staff: Stephen Selvek, Maureen Pesek

Mike Deming calls the meeting to order.

Certificates of Appropriateness

  • 64 South Street – BDA – Request for various exterior repairs and renovations.
  • 33 South Street – Seward House – Restoration of roofs on the north and south carriage barns.
  • 43 Grover Street – Replogle Homes LLC. –  Exterior repairs and renovations.
  • 17 Elizabeth Street – Bruce Natale – Repair and renovate rear porch.
  • 40 Grover Street – Bob Brower – Install above ground pool in rear yard.
64 South Street – Beardsley Design Associates.  Request for various exterior repairs and renovations including in-kind repair to wood columns, repair or replace soffit and dentils, replace downspouts, replace shutter, construct chimney for furnace exhaust, reconstruct front stone steps, and repair/rebuild portions of the side porch.

Dave Tucker – Will not complete front planting bed. Front porch: Stone steps to be replaced in kind, Fypon columns to match existing.  Dentils will be repaired.  The current shutters will be replaced with cedar shutters.  Side porch (Logan St.): Repair the porch and deck. Use cultured stone instead of concrete on the façade. Will try to locate boiler flue to inside building, no plans to build exterior flue.

Motion to approve as presented made by Jim Hutchinson and seconded by Betty Lewis.  All members voted for approval. Motion carried.  

33 South Street – Seward House – Restoration of roofs on the north and south carriage barns.  Work to include removal of chimneys, shingles, facia, trims brackets and soffit.  Replacement of sheathing as needed.  Installation of slate roofing, Yankee gutters, brick veneer chimney on north carriage barn, tin hip and ridge caps, and roof details.  Paint as appropriate.  

Bill Murphy from Ramsgard Design – Current roof is asphalt shingles and would be changed to slate.  Timber and wood details would be repaired as needed.  Restoration of the roof dates back to a historic photo.

Motion to approve as submitted made by Judith Bryant, and seconded by David Thurston.  All members voted for approval.  Motion carried.

43 Grover Street – Replogle Homes LLC. –  Exterior repairs and renovations including in-kind repair to front porch, east side porch, rear deck, and siding. Removal of the screens on the east side porch, front corner “deck,” the roof over the cellar doors, and the awning over the west side rear door.

Eric Austin for Jamie Replogle – Plans include to repair and renovate exterior of the house. Work is ongoing for the interior. Work is to be completed as out outlined in application expect the rear deck and door to be removed so that structural repairs can be made to the foundation. Door will be replaced with a window

Stephen Selvek – House constructed as 3-bay federal, appears to be a remodeled c.1860 to incorporate Italianate detailing.  Improvements/repairs should keep with the Italianate design. The proposal seems to be generally appropriate with the following clarifications or exceptions:
Front porch: Balusters to be replaced with matching, decking to be tongue & groove cedar or mahogany, the railings are to be mounted at their “historic” height, and the details are to remain unchanged;
Slate Patio: proposed location is not appropriate
Side Porch (east): the details are to remain unchanged
New Door(s): provide cut sheet or detail to Staff for review
Side Porch (west): rebuild to meet current codes, detailing should not replicate that on other “historic” porches
Storm Windows: Must be 1 over 1 with no division in glass, completely fill openings (not blocked down, paint to match window frame (not bare aluminum)

Jim Hutchinson – Asks if window on west side will be returned to full height

Eric Austin – Window cannot be changed, framing on inside blocks bottom portion

Motion to approve as presented by staff with clarifications and expections, made by James Hutchinson, and seconded by David Thurston.  All members voted for the approval.  Motion carried.

17 Elizabeth Street – Bruce Natale – Repair and renovate rear porch including replacing 4x4 post, railing, and balusters.  Repair or replace decking as needed.

Bruce Natale – Repairing back porch.  Porch built was altered in 1960’s, railings and posted have been replaced and decking covered in interior/exterior carpeting. Would like to restore historic character to porch. Porch is not visible from street.

Mike Deming – Asks what balusters will be used.

Bruce Natale – Showed the Board samples that he has picked up at various stores, including a 24” one from Ferrara Lumber in Seneca Falls. That baluster is wider that the others.

Stephen Selvek – The baluster appears to be appropriate.

Jim Hutchinson – Asks about decking treatment and/or material.

Bruce Natale – Would like to repair existing t&g if possible, if not will consider recycled material

Jim Hutchinson – Board will need to see detail of recycled decking if application goes that direction.

Motion to approve as presented, made by James Hutchinson, and seconded by Paul McDonald.  All members voted for the approval.  Motion carried.

40 Grover Street – Bob Brower – Install above ground pool in rear yard.

Stephen Selvek – Applicant is unable to be here tonight. The plan includes a 12-foot above ground pool beside their house.  Mr. Brower will be going before the ZBA in August.  Applicant intends to remove some existing decking, not historically significant.  Pool will be buffered by existing vegetation and not seen from the street, as grade of rear yard goes down from the front.

David Thurston – Can a pole be set up to see how much can be seen from the street? Can Steve OK that?

Stephen Selvek – I will work with the applicant to accomplish that.

Motion to approve noting that the pool should not be visible from the street, made by David Thurston, and seconded by James Hutchinson.  All members voted for the approval.  Motion carried.

Other Matters

  • 130 South Street – David Gregg – Referral from the ZBA for variances
  • 63-65 South Street – King and Queens Court – Request to obtain opinion on potential changes
130 South Street – David Gregg – Referral from the ZBA for variances to install two signs and operate a Bed & Breakfast.  HRRB to discuss and provide recommendation to the ZBA.

David Gregg – (Mr. Gregg appeared before the ZBA in June 2008 and was referred to the HRRB). He would like to convert building into a 6 bedroom Bed & Breakfast, with no exterior structure changes.  Improvements include repair of masonry lentils, fixing and painting rod iron, landscaping and painting garage.

Neighbors in the audience that voiced concerns about this project and requested a copy of these minutes before the ZBA meeting of July 28th at 7:00 PM, include:

Dr. Richard Stankus - 119 South Street
Pam Chaffee – 134 South Street
Susan Felter – 10 Swift Street
Dr. & Mrs. Jon Valdina – 129 South Street

Concerns of the neighbor include:
Parking - City code states that there must be one parking space per unit, plus one for the owner for a total of 7 spaces.  Mr. Gregg’s plans include having 10 parking spaces. Neighbors and Board members have requested that the applicant clearly indicate the parking layout.  
Signage – Mr. Gregg requested that 2 signs be permitted.  Staff and the Board agree that one sign is sufficient to identify the B&B. Neighbors are concerns that a sign, which is too large, may detract from the residential neighborhood. The applicant will have to come back to HRRB to have any sign approved.
Noise – Ms. Chaffee stated that the previous use by Seneca ARC was very noisy and is concerned that guests entering and leaving the building would create noise that is undesirable.
Lighting – Neighbor’s inquired as to the addition of exterior lighting.
Landscaping & Garbage – Property now is beautiful and grounds are kept up.  Will that continue?
Owner Occupancy – What is the definition of Owner Occupied? Neighbors would like to ensure that the property is the primary residence of the applicant.
Potential to convert to Apartments - Can this Bed & Breakfast become apartments if owners fall on hard times? Staff indicated that a use variance is specific to a B&B, which is by code definition an owner-occupied use. Conversion to anything other than a B&B (apartments, Single Room Occupancy, etc.) would be in violation of variance and the code.

While concerned, many of the neighbors were not opposed to a B&B. They however, want to ensure that it will not negatively impact their neighborhood.

Motion allowing the ZBA to act as lead agency for the purpose of completing the SEQR was made by James Hutchinson and seconded by Betty Lewis.  Board unanimously agreed. Motion Carried.

Motion directing staff to provide a letter to the ZBA outing the Neighbors’ and Board’s concerns and indicating that the potential use, as a B&B, was unlikely to negatively impact this historic resource or neighborhood was made by Paul McDonald and seconded by James Hutchinson.  Board unanimously agreed. Motion Carried.

Motion that two signs, for the proposed B&B, detriment to both the character of the Historic District and the residential quality; and furthermore, that a maximum of one sign would be appropriate was made by James Hutchinson and seconded by Judith Bryant.  Board unanimously agreed. Motion Carried.

63-65 South Street – King & Queens Court – Request from property owner to obtain the HRRB’s opinion on various potential changes to the properties.

Dave Wilson, Manager of King & Queens Court for Kathy Kruger, Owner – Phil Walosky is in the process of purchasing King & Queens Court and wants to demolish 2 of the garages in the back, as they are very narrow and open.  
James Hutchinson – Mr. Walosky should come back with specific resolutions, including pictures and/or videos of what is involved, and the HRRB would work with him. The HRRB is unable to make a determination on the items listed here without details information. Also, HRRB will need a complete proposal and application of each item.

Motion to adjourn was made by James Hutchinson, and seconded by Betty Lewis. All members vote approval.

Meeting adjourned.

Next meeting scheduled for August 13, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.

Recorded by Maureen Pesek
Review by Stephen Selvek